Our Services
We can offer help with…
Anxiety is the number one reason people look for support. There are many different types of anxiety, yet all can cause negative repetitive thought patterns, feelings of catastrophe, or dread. Anxiety also causes physical symptoms such as agitation, nausea, pain, and in some cases illness.
We can help address both the causes and effects of anxiety, to bring about calm, ease and a greater sense of security.
People have always experienced depression, but similar to anxiety, it appears to be increasing as an issue. Depression can cause low mood and feelings of hopelessness for weeks and sometimes years, and some are driven to thoughts of suicide by it.
But depression can be defeated. Contrary to old myth, it is not a chemical imbalance only stabilised by medication. If you experience depression, we’d like to work with you and support you.
Stress – Overwhelm – Burnout
Stress can drive life forward, or bring it to a grinding halt. When experienced excessively or persistently it can take control and often results in physical and emotional exhaustion. Feelings of overwhelm and the inability to cope with the demands of daily life are common. Together, we can help identify the causes of stress or burnout, and develop strategies and techniques to manage in the future.
Low mood – Chronic Sadness - Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
We all experience sadness, but sometimes it can feel as though there is no way out. When it’s difficult to imagine ever feeling happy or joyful again, understanding how to bring emotional balanced back into your life can feel hopeless. Living a joyless life is no fun, so we can help guide you to a brighter future.
Trauma – Traumatic Stress
Trauma is a psychological and emotional response to an event or experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. Caused by a wide range of experiences trauma can have a profound effect on a person’s mental and physical health. It can be brought about by a single acute incident or repeated exposure over a period of time.
Trauma manifests in many forms and presents as stress or post-traumatic stress symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). Employing evidence-based treatments in a safe and supportive environment we work towards recovering from the experiences that effect your daily happiness and wellbeing.
Physical / emotional abuse
Physical abuse is any intentional act that causes physical harm or injury to another person. Emotional abuse refers to any behaviour that is used to control, manipulate, or undermine another person’ sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
At Uniphy we offer support to those suffering from abuse and help in recovery. We also recognise that working with those acting abusively brings about the lasting change everyone needs. By working with those experiencing abuse, whether the victim or perpetrator, we aim to end the pain.
Grief – Loss
Grief is a natural response to experiencing the death of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or the loss of any significant part of one’s life.
The pain of loss can feel debilitating, as we can encounter an array of emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. Experiencing grief varies widely from person to person, and there is no right or wrong way to process such loss. Safety, compassion, and support in navigating the complex emotions of grief will help find a path towards healing and acceptance.
Isolation – Loneliness
Isolation is a state of being physically separated from others either by choice or circumstance. Loneliness is a subjective feeling of being alone or lacking social connections. Although isolation and loneliness are related, they are not the same thing. Yet both cause a decline in our mental and physical wellbeing.
A therapeutic relationship can combat feelings brought about by loneliness and isolation. It can also help identify underlying causes and work on strategies to feel connect with others.
Identity – Who am I?
Identity is a complex process which can relate to gender, race, sexuality, religion, ethnicity etc… yet it can also be a job, relationship, or state of being. Our identity, or sense of self, is not fixed or static but dynamic and evolving, changing over time and with experience. When we feel our identity shift, or we lose sight of who we are, or perhaps discover the freedom to explore a part of ourselves we denied, then issues of identity can arise. Parts of ourself may feel alien to us or others. We may not feel accepted or accept ourselves.
Identity plays a major role in wellbeing, and as trained professional therapists we help people unravel the mysteries of self.
Suicidal Ideation - Suicidality
When our experience of life feels too much, we can often think that ending it all is the only option. In our more aware moments we know this is not the case, but sometimes, we can’t always hold onto that awareness.
Men are three times more likely to bring about death by suicide than any other society group. Yet teen girls see the most significant statistical rise in suicide over the past recent years. We can all be susceptible to a thought that brings about an act that can’t be undone. With experience in working with clients with end of life plans or intrusive thoughts of an unpleasant nature, we can help make sure we all see another sunrise.
Being creative…
Whether it’s clay, sand tray or miniatures, being creative can help explore difficult emotions. Other creative therapies include creative writing, journaling, poetry or metaphor, art, or emotional cards. All these work well when integrated with well sculpted dialogue.
Breathe work, Mindfulness practice, or Hypnagogic Guided Affective Imagery (GAI) help to distinguish and connect our thoughts and feelings and bring a calm feeling that eases anxiety.
Individual Psychotherapy:
£60 per session
(£70 for weekend appointment)
Employee Assistance Programmes available through Health Assured
Support Group Sessions: Contact us for further details
Corporate counselling: Contact us for further details